
Avoid Costly Disability Claims: The £1M Mistake


el Miercoles, 16 de Abril 2025


10:00 Europe/London

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Workplace disability claims have surged by 30%, with average payouts nearing £45K and some hitting £1M (People Magazine).  

The pressure is on for HR professionals and business owners to make the right adjustments — but are you confident in handling the legal and ethical complexities? 

Join our webcast where BBC legal expert, solicitor, trainer, advisor and lawyer, Elissa Thursfield will unpack: 

  • ✅ The latest updates on disability laws and employer obligations 
  • ✅ Real-world case studies that have cost companies £1000s 
  • ✅ Best practices for managing more employees with disabilities on leave 
  • ✅ Actionable steps to handle dismissals or HR processes properly 

Seats are limited—reserve your spot today! Get our HR software with a disciplinary decider to help prevent 1M dismissal disputesfrom just £1/month for your first year. 

Follow us on social media:   

Elissa Thursfield

Industry-recognised employment lawyer, solicitor, advisor, trainer, and BBC Radio employment law expert contributor with over 15 years of first-hand experience.

Co-founder of Hroes software and employment law consultancy, we help protect your business from tribunal risks, cut legal costs, and eliminate HR headaches.